The Ultimate Guide to Business Travel Etiquette

The Ultimate Guide to Business Travel Etiquette

You have probably gone on holiday with your friends and family before; you know the dynamics, how to behave and what you are expected to do. However, maybe you have been invited on a company trip to meet the international team or clients face-to-face. If so, congratulations! That’s a huge step!

There is no doubt, however, that when it comes to business travel, you might not be familiar with the appropriate course of action to take in the many situations you may encounter. But if this is your first experience with it, don’t worry. For you to have a good time, we’ll break down the fundamentals.

The Ultimate Guide to Business Travel Etiquette

Simple Etiquette You Should be Aware Of

You should adhere to one simple rule the entire time you are travelling: arrive early. Quality is important. Nobody likes waiting, especially when you have to make your co-workers or superiors wait for you in the lobby before meetings or on any other occasion. It is simply impolite and will not be successful. Keep this in mind in especially if you’re taking a flight because it means you’ll need to account for security and check-in lines.

Guide to Business Travel Etiquette - Simple Etiquette You Should be Aware Of

Another simple way in which you can ensure the trip runs smoothly is by simply making sure that you do quick research on the destination to which you are headed. Learn and understand their customs. Recognize and respect their traditions. It is crucial that you comprehend how this country’s culture influences how they do business if you are meeting with clients from this country. Not only will this help you avoid any potential misunderstanding-related issues, but I can also guarantee that it will make you appear more remarkable and well-rounded.

Special Occasions

Depending on your employment, it may be inevitable that you’ll run into some unusual travel circumstances. These can include dining at Michelin-starred establishments; engaging in upscale leisure pursuits; or even taking a private plane. And it is important for you to know how to act if you encounter any of these.

Regarding private aviation, it is likely that the private jet company you travel on has their own wide range of products and amenities to offer to prospective clients. Some of these may be optional luxuries in the form of a mid-flight bar or dinner service, but others may be vital services for your trip.

Additionally, remember that taking a private flight is distinct from doing so on a commercial aeroplane. One benefit of using a private or chartered plane is that you can bypass the lengthy lines that are typically associated with airports because you are free from the standard check-in and security procedures.

Special Occasions

However, it is important to keep in mind that private aircrafts do not, however, always land or take off from well-known airports. Ask and make plans in advance if you think you might need to fly to a private airstrip somewhere else to board.

If you get the opportunity to visit a high-end luxury restaurant there are certain things beyond your basic manners, you should be aware of.

As a starting point, Michelin-starred restaurants and other upscale establishments occasionally employ specific ingredients or even serve extremely small servings. If you know where you’re heading, we advise you to quickly check out the restaurant’s menu and make any necessary preparations. It’s alright if you don’t like anything they provide. You can then eat before leaving so that you can order appropriately.

Moreover, don’t forget to dress for the occasion. And please do not use any social media whilst sitting on the table!

In general, simply keep in mind that you need to be respectful and not take advantage of your employee’s generosity, particularly if they have offered a credit card for this vacation, and keep in mind your basic manners. Have a wonderful time!