How To Avoid Paying Tax on Cryptocurrency UK?

how to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency uk

Cryptocurrency has surged in popularity at an exponential rate, but it is notoriously difficult to understand where exactly you stand when dealing with cryptocurrencies. This article breaks down some of the basics of cryptocurrency payments and how these payments are taxed in the UK.

What Happens When You Buy Cryptocurrency?

When you buy cryptocurrency, you may be considered to have made a taxable purchase. This means that you will have to pay tax on the purchase – in the UK, this is usually around 20% of the value of the cryptocurrency.

What Happens When You Buy Cryptocurrency

There are a few things that you can do to avoid paying tax on your cryptocurrency purchase:

Make sure that you are buying cryptocurrency from a reputable source. Many illegitimate exchanges offer low prices for cryptocurrencies, and may not actually be licensed or regulated by the UK financial authorities. This can mean that you may not be able to get your money back if something goes wrong.

Make sure that you are aware of the tax implications of your purchase. If you are not sure whether a purchase is taxable or not, speak to an accountant or financial adviser.

Consider holding onto your cryptocurrency rather than selling it immediately. This will reduce the amount of capital gains tax that you will have to pay on your profits.

Is There a Right Way to Buy Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a new technology that is quickly becoming popular. Many people are curious about how to buy it and whether or not they should pay tax on it. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer. The best way to avoid paying tax on cryptocurrency depends on your individual circumstances.

Is There a Right Way to Buy Cryptocurrency

There are two main ways to buy cryptocurrency: you can purchase it with money or you can use an exchange to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies for traditional currency.

The first option is the simplest and most straightforward. You simply need to find a reputable cryptocurrency exchange and open an account. Then, you can purchase cryptocurrencies using traditional currency.

The second option is more complicated but can be more rewarding. You can use an exchange to trade cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies or traditional currency. This route is less straightforward than the first option because you need to know how to trade cryptocurrencies for other cryptocurrencies or traditional currency. However, this route can be more lucrative because the price of cryptocurrencies can rise rapidly.

It’s important to remember that there are two types of taxes that could apply to your cryptocurrency transactions: capital gains tax and income tax. Capital gains tax applies when you sell a cryptocurrency and make a profit. Income tax applies when you receive a cryptocurrency as a reward and make a profit by selling it. While there is a basic global tax at the federal level to be paid, each country has its own regulations in place.

The best way to stay up-to-date with the applicable laws for your cryptocurrencies is to consult with a financial advisor who can explain them to you in detail.

Are there any Consequences for not Paying Tax on Crypto in the UK?

If you are not prepared to pay tax on your cryptocurrency in the UK, there may be some consequences. If you fail to declare your cryptocurrency holdings on your income tax return, the Treasury may assess a penalty or interest. In some cases, you may also be subject to criminal proceedings.

What are the Alternatives?

What are the Alternatives

There are some alternatives to paying tax on cryptocurrency if you reside in the UK. The first option is to claim capital gains tax (CGT) on any profits you make from selling your cryptocurrency holdings. The second option is to keep your cryptocurrency holdings and pay income tax on them using the standard deduction or earnings threshold. Finally, you can also use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a form of investment, falling under the category of ‘capital assets’ for tax purposes.

How To Avoid Paying Tax on Cryptocurrency UK?

If you own cryptocurrencies or are considering purchasing some, you may be wondering how to avoid paying taxes on them. This can be a difficult question to answer since cryptocurrency is not considered a traditional asset for tax purposes. However, there are a few ways to minimize your tax burden when dealing with cryptocurrency.

The first thing to do is to register your cryptocurrency holdings with the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This will allow you to track your earnings and losses more easily, and it will also allow you to make accurate tax declarations when filing your yearly tax return. HMRC has an online registration system called CryptoCurrency Services, which you can use to register for free.

How To Avoid Paying Tax on Cryptocurrency UK

Once you have registered your holdings with HMRC, you will need to determine your taxable income from cryptocurrency dealings. This is done by calculating your trading profits and losses using the applicable capital gains or losses rates. Note that trading profits and losses from cryptocurrency transactions are treated as ordinary income or loss, respectively, even if the underlying cryptocurrency is not tradable on a regular basis.

Another way to avoid paying taxes on cryptocurrencies is to use them as a means of payment instead of investing them in further transactions. Note that this is not a tax-free method.As of this writing, these are the only two ways to avoid paying taxes on cryptocurrency transactions: Sell your holdings to realize taxable gains.


Cryptocurrency is a growing trend and as such, it’s no surprise that there are a number of people who are trying to make money from this new market. However, there are also a lot of people who don’t understand the tax implications of cryptocurrency trading, which can lead to them paying tax on their profits in an unexpected way.

In this article, we outlined the different types of taxes that you might have to pay when trading cryptocurrencies in the UK, and provide some tips on how to avoid them. So be sure to read through all of the information before making any decisions – you could end up saving yourself a lot of money in the long run!