Workplace injuries and illnesses can cost companies more than £16bn a year. It’s essential for employers to make health and safety a priority in order to protect their employees and their business. Let’s explore the most common workplace injuries, the importance of taking safety seriously, and what employees need to know about seeking out personal injury claims.
What are the Most Common Workplace Injuries?
Work-related stress and anxiety is one of the most commonly reported work-related health issues in Britain, according to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Another common type of injury is musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which are caused by repetitive activities that put a strain on your body’s muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and nerves. MSDs can cause long-term pain or disability if not treated properly.
According to the HSE, non-fatal injuries to employees came from two sorts of accidents: ‘slips, trips or falls on the same level’ and ‘injured while handling, lifting or carrying’. Employers should be aware that slips, trips, and falls can happen anywhere, not just on wet floors.
How & Why Companies Should Make Health & Safety a Priority?
Employers have a legal duty to protect their workers from potential hazards under The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 – it’s not just something they should do because it is ‘the right thing’. Companies should take proactive steps such as regular risk assessments and training sessions to protect employees and keep them safe.
Regular health assessments should also be done to identify any signs of long-term illnesses or MSDs quickly before they become serious problems. It is also important for employers to clearly communicate their expectations when it comes to safety practices with their staff members, so everyone understands what safety means in this particular workplace. This will help create an open dialogue between employers and employees, which has been proven effective at reducing risk factors due to improved communication channels.
What Do Employees Need To Know About Seeking Out Personal Injury Claims?
Suppose an employee met with a accident in the workplace or illness due to negligence on behalf of their employer. In that case, they may be entitled to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. This could include anything from lost earnings due to the time taken off work recovering from an injury, medical expenses incurred as a result of treatment needed etc.
It is important for employees who feel they have suffered due to negligence in the workplace to understand their rights when it comes to making personal injury claims, as these types of cases can be complicated. They should speak with an experienced lawyer who specialises in this area for advice on how best to proceed with making such a claim if necessary.
It’s essential for employers to take health & safety seriously by taking proactive steps such as regular risk assessments and training sessions so that all employees understand what safety means in this particular workplace environment.