5 Tips for Productive Remote Work

5 Tips for Productive Remote Work

Working remotely was really beneficial for many employees around the world. You miss the long commute to the office and some of the worst co-workers, and you have really more space to be productive and focused on your own tasks. You also get at least an extra hour of sleep which is another benefit of working from home.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Remote work was a bit challenging for employees that needed more structure in their day-to-day work or the lack motivation and focused on finishing their tasks on time.

Also, many remote workers face many distractions, from noisy neighbors to roommates or no designated work area. So, to help you resolve any productivity challenges and to help you stay on track and complete all of your tasks, here we’ve compiled a list of expert tips for remote work.

5 Tips for Productive Remote Work

Have Fun

Have Fun

Although having fun is the opposite of being productive, actually, it is a great way to boost productivity levels and stay focused throughout your day. No one is able to be productive all the time, and having an intentional break can actually give your mind a chance to do something outside your work tasks and help you become more productive in the long run.

So, actually, make sure to use your lunch break wisely, and by that, we mean not spending more time in front of your computer. For example, you can read a book, watch an episode of your favorite TV show, listen to your favorite songs, and even play mobile games.

Mobile games are easy to play and come in all genres and subgenres, starting from action games, puzzles, RPG games, and anything else that you can think of. There are many high-quality immersive titles that will definitely provide a good distraction and take your mind off work.

In case you’re interested in more games of chance, unsurprisingly, there are hundreds of casino sites that are mobile-friendly, so you can actually create an account and reliable online casino and try your luck with a great collection of casino games. Online casinos are integrated with safe payment methods so you can easily and safely make deposits from your smartphone or computer. If you typically use Skrill, here, you can learn more about the best Skrill casinos UK in 2022.

Eliminate the Digital Distractions

Eliminate the Digital Distractions

If you work without proper supervision, then you might spend more time on social media apps also to limit your time procrastinating on your smartphone. You can install an application such as digital Detox or Forest, where you are rewarded for spending time on your smartphone.

In addition, you can take more proactive measures and join an online work group or work in a cafe for a library if you feel that you need that co-working atmosphere. In addition, you can also leave your smartphone in another room or look out for mobile social media accounts. You want to give your brain a clear indication that you’re going to work and you’re not going to touch your smartphone unless you finish, for example, three tasks from your to-do list.

Home Office

Home Office

Not everyone can invest in a great home office. But you definitely will need a work area even if you’re working on the kitchen table or you’re sharing your space with other people. You need to communicate your boundaries clearly because you’re still working; you just do it from another environment. For this reason, it’s beneficial to invest in a proper office chair, binders for important documents, and notebooks.

You can also bring all of your snacks and beverages so you don’t waste any time in the kitchen. So, even if you’re working in the living room, as long as you make sure that space will be used entirely for your work, even in a span of a few hours, that will be helpful in becoming more productive.

Take a Walk

Take a Walk

Spending some time in nature will not only energize you but also help you gain better clarity and improve your motivation and productivity. Even if you have 10 minutes to spare, make sure to go outside and breathe some fresh air.

You can take a walk around the block or, if you have more time, walk to the nearest park. On top of that, it is also advisable, because you are basically living a sedentary lifestyle, to have some scheduled breaks where you will stretch or do some light exercises.

For example, there are simple exercises on YouTube or even HIIT exercises that are more challenging and great choices if you need to blow up some steam. In any case, doing physical exercises during your working hours can prove to be a great addition to your schedule.

Talk to a Friend

Talk to a Friend

For many people spending a lot of time indoors can prove to be isolating, especially if they don’t have to have regular video meetings. So, if you lack having small talk or in-depth conversations with your colleagues and you feel that you need more than just occasional texts or messages, then you can schedule breaks where you will just talk to your friends or co-workers.

It is very useful to have a bit more interaction during your working hours and can also prove to be a stimulating conversation for your job. So, maybe just spending your lunch break with your co-workers can provide you with more ideas about your tasks or also help you become more productive because it will give your mind something else to focus on. You can schedule virtual coffee dates on Zoom or simply give them a call. It really can make a difference in your day.


These days working from home is an indispensable aspect of our lives. Many employees work at least some days of the week from their homes which is why it can be beneficial to follow office hours and have some rules in place that will help you complete your tasks. In addition to that, it’s also important to have some ground rules and boundaries that will protect your peace of mind and also help you have a better work-life balance.