You might be wondering when you are going to have to pay council tax – which is often a stressful experience. In this article, we take a closer look at the different types of people who are exempt from paying council tax. If you’re unsure about how much you’ll actually have to pay, find out when and how Sunday supplements can help.
Who is Exempt from Council Tax?
There are a number of people who are exempt from paying council tax.
This includes people who are:
- In receipt of benefits such as Income Support, Jobseekers’ Allowance or Pension Credit (limited to the basic rate of £16,000 per year).
- Living in a property that is owned by the Local Authority and used for their own private residence (provided that the property is their only residence).
- Resident in a nursing home or hospital.
- A student living away from home who is under 19 and not in full-time employment.
- A person who is registered blind.
- A person who is permanently unfit for work due to an illness or disability.
- A person serving a sentence of imprisonment in prison or detention centre.
Are you exempt from Council Tax?
As a homeowner, you may be exempt from paying Council Tax. This is based on your property’s value and how much you pay in rent. If you’re not exempt, you may have to pay the tax based on your income.
There are different levels of exemption and it can depend on your personal circumstances. To find out if you’re exempt from Council Tax, contact your local council.
How Long Do You Have to Pay Council Tax Before You’re Exempt?
If you’re a person who’s exempt from paying council tax, you’ll have to pay it for at least six months before you can start claiming the exemption. How Much Council Tax Do I Pay? You can see how much you’ve been paying council tax in a whole year or, if you pay quarterly, how much you’ve paid during the previous four months.
How to Get Council Tax Free Money If your income is less than £16,000 but you still get certain benefits and all of your living costs are more than this amount, you could be entitled to free council tax.
Commonly Exempt Residents
Residents who are exempt from Council Tax include:
- People who are registered blind or partially sighted.
- People who are registered with a mental health condition.
- People aged 65 or over.
- People claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
- People receiving income support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
- People in receipt of certain benefits, including Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Universal Credit and Housing Benefit.
Commonly Exempt Individuals
The following individuals are exempt from council tax:
- Adults aged 18 or over who are permanently incapacitated
- Children under the age of 18 who are permanently incapacitated and living with their parents or guardians
- Individuals receiving certain benefits, such as jobseekers allowance, housing benefit or income support
- Pregnant women
- Armed forces personnel stationed outside the UK and their spouses and civil partners
- Overseas students studying in the UK (except those receiving a grant from the British government)
- Members of HM Armed Forces posted outside the UK.
- Overseas citizens employed in the UK.
If you are a person who does not ordinarily reside in the UK, then you may be exempt from paying council tax. This exemption is based on a number of factors, including whether you are a student or member of the armed forces. If you would like to find out if you are eligible for an exemption and how to apply, please contact your local council.